Saturday, May 2, 2015

Gillian's Takeaway: Be Humble

This is an amazing trip, testified by 8 people with willing hearts, 32 kids with fruitful childhoods, and 2 loyal Christ followers with eternal treasures in Heaven!
Gillian, Usha, and Pastor Jonathan

Before we went, I kept praying to God: please use me, in every possible way! I can sweep the floors, wash the dishes, tutor the kids, paint the walls, do the laundry, cook meals, share my stories, and lead the games… I mean, anything except singing. I felt so determined that I was ready to roll up my sleeves and have a big go at it. It’s like, "Hey kids, we’re coming. Wait and see, there is so much we can do and I know you need us!"

However, the story was never like that. While we were there, even before we properly introduced ourselves to the kids, they rushed to carry our luggage, hold our hands while hiking up the mountain, offer their seats to us and teach us Nepali… It made me feel we were treated more like distinguished guests, with so many priorities and extra care, but nowhere close to “servants”. I also saw small little things catching my eyes and filling up my heart. That’s DAILY discipleship, full of with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. DAILY, 24/7! I can name examples without even thinking about it. What I need to do is open my eyes and tell you what I see there. I felt extremely grateful to an extent I have no idea if it’s ever enough for me to say “thank you” to each and every one who had been teaching me this lesson in Pedong, India. I was stunned and I asked God everyday: Let me do something, anything! Let me be more helpful!

Easter Morning Hike
After we came back to Hong Kong, I suddenly realized what God had taught me through this trip. Though there are so many, I found each His teaching during these 8 days is around this: Be Humble! Be humble just like Ps. Jonathan and Mama Usha are – showing God’s love and expanding God’s Kingdom on earth; like uncle Bob travelling all the way to serve with a devoted heart, like Julie and Bo from well-off families and with promising careers, like Lindie and Cody being the children of our Pastors with passion to serve, like Rachael and Alex being the carefree youth with love to give, like Steve being a cheerful and wise Christ follower with so many talents… and just like those 32 kids, as they always look up to your eyes and smile: what can I do for you? And, just like Jesus…

Oh dear Lord, what can I do for you? You have done so many great things to me. Even though I claim in your name to serve and give, I was served and I was given so much by your loving sons and daughters. Thank you for revealing your words to me. Please keep teaching me how to really humble myself and serve you.


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